Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Journey of a grinder

Welcome to my blog that's been a long time coming. I have played internet poker for the past 4 years and am at a reasonable standard, but have many flaws in my game that need ironing out. This blog will hopefully help me to achieve this, and give you an insight into someone who fancies themselves as a reasonably good multi-table tournament player. Strategy of poker can be discussed until the cows come home, but in brief I would categorize myself as much more of a 'feel' player than one who calculates the odds. I do know some basic percentages, but in my opinion 'math' types in their purest form do not exist, even in live poker, because the amount of mental arithmetic necessary to be done in under a minute is ridiculous.

So welcome! Appreciate, comment away and if you have any questions for me don't hesitate, I'll be posting hands and such from various tournaments as they arise, with my thoughts behind my line.


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