Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vegas on Monday, some poker updates

Haven't been here in a while, mainly because of the fact that I haven't been playing to much due to exams and stuff.

Couldn't help myself playing the $6k guarenteed on Stars last night however, which I took a nice 3/72 in for 1.1k. Really want to play the 1.5k PLO8 WSOP event, but don't know if I have the balls to put up that much money.

I've taken a new approach to my MTT play in the last few months, and have been going into shove-mode far earlier than I usually would. Poker is not poker if you don't have more than 25 BBs to play with.

Gonna try make this blog a bit more accessible to non-poker players, cuase it's a lil technical right now.

I'll be periodically updating this blog during my Vegas experience, so look out here for thoughts on the game over there.


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